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Verwood Road Evangelical Chapel

About our Visiting Speakers

(Please note that some of the information and links on this page are out of date.  Updates are planned.)

If you visit our Events page you will see many names listed under the "Coming Events" and "Recent/Past Events" headings.  It is hoped that this new web page will provide you with s
ome interesting and helpful information about at least some of those names.

We are very thankful to God for our visiting speakers and preachers, and very thankful to these friends for their concern for us and the time and effort taken whenever they prepare a spiritual meal for our benefit.  Most of all, we appreciate their shared concern that it is Christ Jesus our Lord who alone should be glorified in all they and we do.

Rev'd. Peter Williams:
Photoe of Peter Williams

Book cover
The DayOne Publications brief biography says "Peter Williams is a Welshman from the town of Neath in South Wales. He is a graduate of the University of Wales and has degrees in theology and philosophy. He has served churches in England and Wales and has continued a preaching ministry since his retirement in 1997, now exercising oversight at Southbourne Evangelical Church in Bournemouth, England. He and his wife, Brenda, have a son, daughter, and three grandsons."

Peter has visited Verwood Road on a number of occasions, most notably for the induction service of our Pastor, when he spoke on the importance of preaching the Word of God.

Peter is the author of a growing numbers of books, available from DayOne Publications. These include:
Acts: Church on the move
From despair to hope
From Eden to Egypt
Jonah-running from God
Opening up 2 Timothy

Opening up Ezra (shown left)

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Rev'd. Brian Ruff:

Brian Ruff is a regular and much appreciated visitor to our chapel. Until quite recently he was the vicar at Christ Church, Westbourne, Dorset (they have an excellent web site, which includes sermons by Brian. It is:

Keep a look out (on our Events page) for the next WEST MOORS BIBLE STUDIES series. These are prepared and presented by Brian at Pinehurst Road Chapel, West Moors.
Previous studies include:
Feb/Mar 2007 - Expositions in Genesis 12 - 25
Sep/Oct 2007 - Growing in Grace - Exposition of II Peter and Jude
Tapes are available - I would be happy to pass on contact details.

You may be interested to read about Brain's time in St Mark's Church, Leamington Spa - CLICK HERE.
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Gordon Stoves:
Picture of Gordon Stoves
The information below is taken from a leaflet about Gospel Outreach International. Please pray for Gordon, Dorothy and others who assist in their work at Pity Me (inc. a Tent Mission, probably July 2008), Hamsteels Estate (Tent Mission 21 July - 4 Aug 2007), in Fence Houses, and other venues.

Gordon Stoves has been a full time evangelist since 1975. Born in South Hetton, County Durham, he became a Christian at the age of 16. 

After a number of years working in management, Gordon felt the need to go into full-time Christian Service. He studied for three years at Moorlands Bible College (where he met our Ken Orman, who was teaching there at the time). He then worked as an assistant superintendent to the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen in North Shields.

In 1985, he and his wife Dorothy were instrumental in setting up the work of Gospel Outreach International. The work involves children's evangelism, tent crusades and teaching ministry. Though mainly working in the North East of England, Gordon has worked in many other parts of the country and overseas.
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Peter Jackson:
Photo of Peter Jackson

Book - autobiography
In Peter's own words, from an article in the Torch magazine 2006 Issue 2* :

"For most of my itinerant ministry, I have acknowledged the power of music as a junior partner to the gospel.

I am described as a gospel pianist: using music to pave the way in many different situations. My ministry started way back in the 1950’s with Reg and Grace Tomlinson who sang duets and solos in their own right. This lovely, dedicated couple taught me many gospel songs, and we toured the British Isles in a caravan, assisting in city-wide gospel campaigns, and conducting missions as the Gospel Witness Trio.

Some years later I joined a team of evangelists in the Movement for World Evangelisation. Once again, music played a big part in Crusades.

More and more, people were asking me whether I had a mailing list and a newsletter. The need for prayer partners began to dawn on me, so that, as well as having the important blessing of our own church in Ammanford, my wife Margaret and I would have the support of people in many other parts of the United Kingdom.

In April 1994, the idea formed in my mind to enlist this potential support. It didn’t take me long to formulate a title for our ministry; it would be “Keynote Ministries”, with the obvious allusion to a keynote in music, and the gospel being the keynote in everything we do.

The Lord impressed on me the need for fellow blind people to hear the gospel, as so often they cannot get out to church without assistance. He gave me the idea of having Torch Fellowship groups, and I love to visit and encourage these whenever possible. I also proofread Torch’s braille library books, using my frequent long journeys for this task.

Our ministries include recordings of gospel music on CD, video and DVD. We have two autobiographical books, a book of edited stories and poems from the Internet, and two songbooks of our own worship songs.

We are as motivated as ever in our desire to bring the gospel to people in every walk of life."

Keynote Ministries Logo Click HERE to view their web site

* TORCH TRUST FOR THE BLIND, Torch House, Torch Way, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9HL, U.K. Telephone: (01858) 438260, Fax: (01858) 438275, email:
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John Berridge:
Photo of John Berridge
John was Pastor of Turbary Church, Tricketts Cross (Ferndown) until very recently, when he retired from ministry there. He has been a regular and much loved visitor to Verwood Road for many years. John has a pastor's heart, which comes across in his preaching and in his leading of the services.

Derek Drapper:
Photo of Derek
Derek is another regular visitor to Verwood Road and has supported the church over many years. He led the induction service of our Pastor, and his visits are eagerly anticipated both for their encouraging and challenging content, and for the sweets he brings, which are generously shared with the children (of all ages).  

Stephen Gillham:
Photo of Stephen Gillham Stephen has had a close association with our church for many years, providing the Tuesday evening Bible Studies each February and often leading Sunday Services also. Many of our young people have benefited from the Dorset Camps which he, his wife Jean, and an army of willing helpers, run each summer.  For more details of their current involvements and prayer diary for this year please CLICK HERE.

More friends (and biographical details) to be added soon.

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