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Hebron Newsletter No. 24
10th Oct 2007

Hello, Friends and Sponsors,

Now we have come to the end of Summer, but some may say - Did it ever come!! Well, God promised in Genesis 8.22 - 'While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night 10th October 2007 shall not cease' and that is True, although they may not come in exactly the time we expect! Also, I expect that most of you have rejoiced in some kind of thanksgiving for Harvest when we praised God for all His good gifts around us, and have enjoyed the lovely Autumn colours.

This is also the time when High Schools and Colleges re-open, and students and teachers are busy with their new programs. Last time we showed you our girls in their various stages of education, so now we show you some of their teachers, then let us visit Hermon School.

Photo of Hermon School Staff
Hermon School Teachers

In the photo you see 7 with Jennie Grace (Head Mistress) and we name them in line- Diamani, Kasturi, Radhabai, Jennie Grace, Hema Malini, Venkata Durga, Grace Matilda. We have told you about some of them before - Kasturi and Grace in No.20, Grace also in No. 22, and Venkata Durga in No. 18, who is now a full | member of our School Staff. But there are 3 others who have not been mentioned before.

Photo of Diamani and Hema Malini
Diamani (left) and Hema Malini (right)

DIAMANI who is the eldest daughter of Moshai (an elder in a nearby village church), whose mother died when she was in her final school year. But before that she was converted at a Youth Rally, and later baptised as a testimony to this, in her own village at some Special Revival Meetings. She had studied to B.A. Degree level, and then came to help in the Hostel 9 years ago. She now teaches Maths and Social Studies in the upper classes of the school, but says her chief aim is to teach her pupils about the True God and Saviour.

HEMA MALINI (in the photo with Diamani) came from Vizag, a town in N.E. Andhra. She is from a Christian family, and was saved and baptised before, and had taught in a convent school before coming to Hebron 10 years ago. She is the 3rd class teacher, and teaches Science and Hindi in the other classes too.

Both of these teachers take Sunday Shool Classes, and are on a rota for Junior Morning Prayers as well as taking their turn in leading the older girls to Nidadavol Church on Sundays.

We are so grateful that ALL our Hermon School Teachers are true Christians, able to get involved with normal activities and ready to help the girls in spiritual matters teaching the Way of Salvation as shown in the Word of God. They ALL live with and take charge of a group of girls in various rooms in Hosanna House. SO they are very busy and need your prayers.

Photo of Radhabai

RADHABA 1 (in the 3rd photo) has recently joined the staff, and is older than the rest. As an orphan she was one of our Hostel students and her older sister was one of our previous helpers. Then she went to Joy Tilsley's Hostel for High School and College education. She is a baptised believer and has strong Christian principles. While studying for important Exams she refused to attend coaching classes because they were held on Sundays. However, God honoured her faith and finally she came out top of her class!

She was sponsored for a course as Laboratory Technician, obtained her B.A. Degree, and was employed in our Narsapur Hospital. After she retired from her work there, she had a desire to come and help in Hebron Hostel. She has an excellent knowledge of English, and is now teaching that subject in the school as well as taking charge of the sponsorship program and assisting in some office duties. We thank God for leading her to us, just when someone was needed in that area.

Now we have 3 members of Hermon School Staff who were previously Hostel Students, and we pray that more Seniors will respond to the Lord's call and return to serve Him in this way, after they have finished their training.


Grateful thanks to all of you who have sent money for your girl's Christmas gifts. Particularly to those who sent extra for non-sponsored girls. This will be forwarded this month. You will receive details later.

With greetings in our Saviour's name,

Joyce Harding

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