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Hebron Hostel and Hermon School in 2003

In 2003 there were 240 girls in the hostel, 11 women and 4 men staff.

110 girls attended Hermon School.

Work started on the construction of a new Dormitory Building:

Here are some pictures of the building work.

They show the casting of the concrete slab above the ground floor (29th Oct 2003).

Starting next floor of extension view1

Starting next floor of extension view 2

Below you see Jenny Grace with a visitor from the UK speaking to Cyril, the supervisor of the building work.
Starting next floor of extension view 3

Jenny Grace was requested to postpone the arrangements for pouring the slab on the 29th Oct due to heavy rain during the month.  She refused saying I have faith to believe God will give us clear weather and a sunny day, because we have asked Him.  So NO POSTPONEMENT.  And so IT CAME TO PASS!!  As can be seen above, there was a bright sunny day, 100 workers were employed and the slab was completed, HALLELUJAH.

Building Progress February 2004

The second floor ceiling slab was completed on the 28th Jan 2004, with the help of 4 concrete mixers and 100 coolies.

Ground floor rooms are now white washed, and electrical fittings, windows and doors are in place.

Brickwork has started on the third floor. 
Bathrooms are about to be built, and a new cookhouse will follow. They are waiting for a coconut tree to be felled as it is in the way.

Other News February 2004

John and Eileen Cossins are currently visiting from the UK.  Both are hard at work.

24th Jan: Over 100 women from churches in the area came to Hebron Hostel for prayer and praise. 

26th Jan: Excursion to Rajah park (
101 children and 16 staff and older girls) with curry picnic. 
A bag of popcorn (
2 rupees each (80 to the pound)).

There were also visits from previous students and families, and Mariakka (retired matron).

Seniors are having exams soon, so all are studying very hard and they are having a tutor for other girls - 10th class - in various subjects.

Temperatures at present are
30 - 32 degs with a cooling breeze.

Building Progress March 2004

Latest photographs of the new dormitory block, which will accommodate 180 girls.

Below, girls outside the new block
Girls outside the new dormitory building

Another view of the block:
New dormitory block

Study room on the ground floor:
Study room on ground floor of new block

Moving sand to the rear of the new block:
Moving sand to rear of new block

Building Progress October 2004

Cyryl continues to oversea the work faithfully.  The third and final slab roof has been put on and the interiors of the second and third floors are now being painted and fitted with doors, windows, and all other necessary fittings.

The ground floor was finished some weeks ago, and is already occupied with a group of High School girls. 
We praise God for His provision in every way for this lovely new building, and pray that it might be used for His glory.

Photographs of former students now serving in the Hostel and School

These photographs were taken in July/Aug 2004. 

HARTHI, Staff Nurse at work in the Hostel Clinic

LAKSHMI, Junior Staff member, working in the Hostel Office

SAILAJA (in red) and VIJAYALAKSHMI (in white)
Both helping in Hermon School

News September 2004

Jennie Grace and others have been in a car accident which left Jennie in hospital. 

Please pray for all involved, especially Jennie Grace as complications are hindering her recovery.

The good news is the Jennie has now returned to Hebron Hostel (on 23rd Sept).  She is able to sit up and has a water bed.  Her left hand has healed and is free; she is making a remarkable recovery.  Jennie's daughter, Esther, and two senior girls are attending to her needs.  Esther is also taking some classes in Hermon School.

Hebron Newsletter No. 12.
Thursday, 09 December 2004

Dear Sponsors and Friends

As we come to the end of this year-2004, we look back on all the way the Lord has led us through joys and sorrows, success and failure, triumph and trials, plenty and poverty, and praise Him for His grace and goodness, strength and support, love and care.

I know you all have been praying much for Jennie Grace and all concemed after the accident in August.  Now we can give you news which will enable you to praise God for His answers to those prayers.

Jennie Grace and Ester
Jennie Grace and Esther 

In this photo you see Jennie Grace sitting on her bed, with her daughter Esther Caroline standing her side.

All the plasters have been removed and Jennie has physio-therapy to help her use her limbs again.  She is able to stand for a few minutes at a time, and has even managed to write a letter. Her recovery is really remarkable for which we thank God. 

However prayer is now requested about her left hip, which is painful due to lack of proper circulation in the femoral head. So she is having special medicine, increased therapy and traction for this.

But although she is unable to move around, she is still in control of much of the Hostel work from her bed.

Jennie has sent sincere thanks to you all, for your prayers, remembrances, and help in various ways.


Esther has been a tremendous help in caring for her mother, in necessary correspondence and in teaching in Hermon School.

She took 5 months' leave for this, which finishes in January, so again we ask you to pray for wisdom for her and her mother regarding the future.

We know that the Lord has already planned this, and we only desire His will to be done for all in Hebron Hostel and Hermon School.


Recent photograph (Dec 04) of new dormitory block
The New Dormitory Block with Three Storeys

Here you see the tall 3-storey building with its verandahs.

The actual building is completed, but the work of final plastering, the interior fittings for lights, fans, toilets and bathrooms, painting of windows and doors is still going on in the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Cyril (the foreman in charge) has informed me that all is going well, and they are hoping to have an official opening in January, after the Cossins arrive. We shall get more information then.



From Joyce Harding

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