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The following poem was written by a Kathy Butler who plays the piano for us on most Sundays. Kathy read this to us on the morning of Palm Sunday 2010 and has kindly given her permission to publish it here.
We are very grateful to Kathy for her excellent contribution to our hymn singing and for her fellowship with us. As at the end of the poem, Praise God!

I planned to kick and fight
the man who brought a harness, despite
my mother's patient eyes, warnings of whips and straps.
Each day I saw her sore and ragged back I vowed
I'd bolt for freedom, race the wind.
A fresh hay, wood chip, warm bread morning,
full carts rumbling, voices calling,
The Master needs you, echoed loud.
Proud beast, I greeted him, who smiled,
laid gentle hands on quivering fur, and spoke to me
of honour, kingship, servanthood.
And so it was that birdsong day in Bethany
I met my Lord.
No bridle, but a woollen cloak
and his warm weight. With tingling pride
we walked downhill toward Jerusalem.
Friends Josh and Samuel cut palms and waved,
Here comes the King!
Good Lazarus laid his cloak upon the way.
Mary, Martha, Jacob the carpenter
and children gathered round. Matthias prayed
Hosanna, to the Son of David.
I lifted up my donkey head and brayed,
Praise God, Praise God, for I
carried the Christ!
Kathy Butler
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